Educators for Quality Alternatives

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Board Agendas

2024-2025 Board Agendas
5/30 The EQA Board will review the draft Budget for 2024-25: Draft Budget here
6/25 The EQA Board will review and approve the Budget for 2024-25. Approved Budget here.
2023-2024 Board Agendas
5/23 The EQA Board will review the draft Budget for 2023-2024: Draft Budget here.
6/27 The EQA Board will review and approve the Budget for 2023-2024 Approved Budget here.
2022-2023 Board Agendas
2021-2022 Board Agendas
2020-2021 Board Agendas
12/22: The EQA board will review and approve an updated Budget for 20-21. This is necessitated by significant changes to revenue and expenses due to COVID-19.
2019-2020 Agendas
Public Budget Posting
  • EQA 2020-2021 Budget
  • NET:Central City 2018-19 Budget (see below)
  • NET:Gentilly 2018-19 Budget (see below)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the proposed 2019-2020 fiscal year budget for The NET Charter High School: Central City and The NET Charter High School: Gentilly will be presented at a meeting of the Board of Directors on May 21, 2019 at 6:00pm to be held at 6601 Franklin Ave, New Orleans, LA 70122.  After such meeting, a copy of the proposed budget will be made available online at  and on file in the office of 4th Sector Solutions, Inc., 2374 St Claude Ave., Suite 230, New Orleans, LA 70117 where the same is open for public inspection. Any interested party may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections at any time prior to final adoption of the budget.  Final adoption of the budget will be considered at a meeting of the Board of Director on June 25, 2019 at 6:00pm to be held at 1614 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70113.
Agendas 2018-19

2017-2018 Agendas

Click the links to view the agendas for each board meeting.



2016-2017 Agendas

Click the links to view the agendas for each board meeting:

*Please note, we just re-did our website and not all information transferred. We are in the process of updating all links. In the meantime, feel free to contact [email protected] for copies.*

2015-2016 Agendas

Click the links to view the agendas for each board meeting.

*Please note, we just re-did our website and not all information transferred. We are in the process of updating all links. In the meantime, feel free to contact [email protected] for copies.*

2014-2015 Agendas

Click the links to view the agendas for each board meeting.

2013-2014 Agendas

Cick the links to view the agendas for each board meeting.

2012-2013 Agendas

Click the links to view the agendas for each board meeting.