Educators for Quality Alternatives

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Prior Year Calendars

Click on the links below for copies of board calendars


2017-2018 NOTES:
  • EQA Retreat July 15, 2017  9-3pm 6601 Franklin Ave.
  • August Board Meeting moved from 8/29 to 9/5 due to weather concerns.
  • May Finance Committee Meeting moved from 5/16 to 5/17. 7:30am
  • October Board Meeting moved to 10/24 due to Halloween
  • December Board Meeting moved to 12/14 5pm at NET:Central City to accommodate board members' schedules
Prior to 2011, EQA did not serve as a school board and thus its board meetings were not subject to Open Meetings Laws and its meetings were not publically documented. However, information about these meetings is available upon request.